The Light of day

After 12 months of writing and editing, and 4 months of working with my new publisher, Tellwell, my second novel, YOUR MOVE has finally seen the light of day. The day after I received the news from my project manager in Canada announcing its publication, I jumped straight onto Amazon to see if it was available. And though I wasn’t expecting to see it online so soon, there it was.

As the author I have 50 promotional copies arriving shortly so no need to buy one online. But I couldn’t resist going through the motions - at least up t0 the final purchase stage - to see how long one had to wait for delivery. Only two days. Considering, that I’m aware of, no copies had actually been printed, I wondered how they could print-on-demand and deliver a book in 48 hours. So I bit the bullet and pressed the button. And sure enough, two days later it arrived at my door. Bloody amazing!

I have to say, it’s been a wonderful journey. Sixteen months of effectively leading a double life - the fictional one and the real one. Wondering what’s going to happen next, especially in my fictional, parallel universe. Of course, now I know.

But no plot spoilers. If you want to know, go buy the book. And you’ll also be helping support a struggling writer.

Enjoy the journey.

